The Universal Garden

Earth & Universe: One Garden, One Story

Earth & Universe:
One Garden, One Story

The universal voice of Light, Love and Peace sings octaves above the pounding sea of chaos raging in the world today. Mis-creation has shallow roots in the Garden and therefore, no everlasting quality. This realization alone can give us hope.

Light, that which birthed the Universe into being and Love its weaver, is wisely visited in the sacred silence of our inner temple. There we attune our expression to the rhythm of the Cosmic song from our innermost core to the outermost reaches of our being. 

We become that which we are: Love. Peace blooms effortlessly as an authentic, inherent quality of our being.

We remember our eternalness for our roots reach infinitely into the Universal Garden – the Garden of Light and Love that is Cosmos and human simultaneously.

We are One Garden, One Story. 


Infinite Blessings,

Shelley Richardson     ©2015


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