It’s a sea of red and white streaming across store shelves these days. It must be Valentine’s Day soon? Ah yes, St. Valentine! Blessings to him for marrying all those young couples against the Emperor’s wishes way back in the day…or so one legendary tale has it. In any case, we can thank Saint Valentine and his good intentions for inspiring the present day tradition of celebrating loving relationship.
What better occasion than this but to ponder one of the greatest mysteries in all the Cosmos?
The Art of Self Love
Self Love: It is a fine art indeed and one that escapes many of us and for many others in varying degrees. We may be able to get as far as, “Well, I am a good …. but….” and before we barely begin the ‘me’ celebration, the party is over!
If we consider for a moment that we are the starring figure in each of our own lives, we realize that our ability to Self Love has an enormous impact on every aspect of our interaction on the planet. It influences how we relate on a personal, local, global and even a Cosmic scale. If we are not in love with the wonder that is us, the energy around us knows it and responds accordingly.
In Light of this truth, we can see that taking time to genuinely acknowledge the great aspects of ourselves is well worth the effort for essentially, the degree to which we open the door to loving ourselves determines the degree to which we are able to give and receive LOVE. If the door to our heart only opens a smidgen because we do not know the entirety of our magnificence, only a smidgen of LOVE can flow in from the world/Cosmos around us and only a smidgen of LOVE can flow out.
In other words, our ability to Self Love determines the flow of love in ALL our relationships. Ponder the impact that practicing the Art of Self Love can have in your life! Imagine the possibilities! We are not speaking here of building the ego but the acknowledgment of the blessings you bring to the world no matter how seemingly great or small. Ask yourself a few questions: What aspects of Self uplift those around you? How do you effect waves of positive change in your home, workplace or community? What do you love about YOU??????
If you are having a little difficulty getting started might I make a suggestion?
Begin by acknowledging your own spark of Divinity!!!
We’ve all got it! Awaken to this remembrance of your Divine heritage and you are well on your pathway to Self Love. If we are in acceptance of ourselves as Divine beings having a human experience, the heaps of self critical judgments that we try to stack up against ourselves begin to cower in our Light.
In our state of forgetfulness, we become our own worst critics. Yet in our remembrance, we become Love personified for then the doors to our hearts spring wide open…..perhaps even entirely off their hinges! When you are able to count the blessings that make you YOU, the Universe hears your primary pulse of LOVE, amplifies it many fold and sends it right back at YOU! Undoubtedly, your relationship to Self is the most important because it is the fulcrum around which all your other relationships pivot. Shift yourself into a gear of Self Love and you are shifting into a vibration that attracts more loving relationship to you.
Might I suggest this Valentine’s Day, we begin a new tradition?
Write a Love Letter to Self and honor the glory of YOU!
Put your whole heart and soul into it! Don’t hold back! No need to be shy! Tell it like it really is straight up for it’s for your eyes only. And if it makes your heart sing, you might even treat yourself to a rose, a truffle, and/or a new CD to play in the background to mark this special occasion while you raise your pen to paper. Take a deep breath, embrace your divinity and open the door to your magnificence. Know this letter has the potential to make great waves of positive change for you are well on your way to mastering the wonderful, essential art of YOU loving YOU!
And when the calendar rolls ahead to the dawn of the next day, be sure to leave yourself a sticky note or two around and about to keep the spirit of Self Love flowing throughout the year:
I LOVE ME!!!!!
Infinite Blessings and Love,
Shelley Richardson
Copyright 2011