Two Friends, One Mile

Two Friends, One Mile

Two friends, one mile apart have no trail between them but of Christmas cards. And on each card a faithful post script: "We must get together in the New Year."

Forty winters or so pass and one friend bravely breaks the spell of illusion:

"Let's face it, Pat. We are never going to see each other again. Just know that I think of you often and wish you well. Merry Christmas."

Pat, now nearing the end of her life, keeps the card at her bedside. She smiles fondly now and then revisiting memories of their times together long ago. The winter thaws into spring, spring eases into summer and at last, summer gives way to fall. Pat passes away. The card remains on the table nearby.

One sad prophecy, needlessly comes true. Two friends, once a mile apart, now a world away.

P.S. ( Mom was an amazing lady who taught me so many lessons in life - but perhaps this one was the greatest - the value of the relationship we have with each other's hearts. I see only good can come from attending to the hearts in our midst with the most sincere and purest intention we can muster. In becoming masters of kindness and nurturing, we can only hope to move that much more swiftly toward a restoration of peace on the planet. Peace is coming - how swiftly is up to us. We can build it one relationship at a time.)

This post is dedicated in Loving Memory to:

Patricia Jane Anne Richardson   October 5, 1932 - October 31, 2012.

P.P.S. ( Mom is the one on the left.)

Infinite Blessings of Love and Light to All!

Shelley Richardson





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Love & Reciprocity

I gave my garden love and it gave love back to me - copyright Shelley Richardson, - Inspirational Thoughts for Inspirational Living

"I gave my garden love and it gave love back to me."

Infinite Blessings!
Shelley Richardson
Copyright 2012

photo: St. Philomena's Roses


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Spontaneity in Learning!

SHELLEY RICHARDSON, EDDY PRESS author of SOPHIE & The Magic of Dance, recently published "Spontaneity in Learning: FIRST SNOWS", an inspiring article for homeschooling parents and educators. Featured in the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents' [OFTP] newsletter publication: HOME RULES, Richardson takes an in depth look at the benefits for the overall well being of the child in making way for spontaneity in the learning process. An informative and inspiring read for parents and teachers!

“Allowing curiosity to run rampant on a more than occasional basis infuses the learning environment with zeal and the happy hum of passionate discovery.”
[© 2012]

Update: You can now read this article as a free PDF download right here on the Eddy Press site!

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The Last Miracle

I know why sunsets are so beautiful.
It's the Father's last miracle of the day whispering to His children:

"Remember Me!"

Infinite Blessings,
Shelley Richardson

© 2012

Posted in Inspiration for Adults, The Eddy newsletter | 2 Comments

Once Upon a Garden…

There is no greater joy for me than tending to my garden.

It is my little Eden and I wish for every yard, an Eden of its own.

With every seed and seedling, a miracle ensues.

Perhaps in fruit or flower...the fragrance or the taste...

I always find for certain, the miracle of God's embrace.

  Infinite Blessings!

Shelley Richardson
© 2012

Posted in Inspiration for Adults, Inspiration for Children, The Eddy newsletter | 4 Comments

Harvesting the Power of the Pause

The pause between the breaths yields the power of make change, to innovate, to restore balance.

I gazed across the greening spring earth in the pausing today....and met not the usual one or two but a field of robins cheerfully about the business of their moment. A seamless tapestry of creativity, joy and appreciation...a masterpiece to adorn the halls of my mind with timeless INSPIRATION.

What an unspeakable treasury was found in the harvest today!

Infinite Blessings,
Shelley Richardson
© 2012

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I’ve been making my way through cupboards and closets – discarding, organizing….signs of the cacophony of our times. It’s my way of maintaining a sense of peace and order in my corner of the universe when so much else in the wider world appears in chaos. I am bewildered to hear words seeping from once spirited hearts, “I thought it was supposed to get better not worse.” It shocks me more than all the world’s unrest into a new realization that these tumultuous times are beginning to weigh down Light hearts…and so I am compelled to write:

Bitter fruits or dawns? It seems we are at a crossroads and must choose. A feast of bitter fruits is laid out on a banquet table before us. Do we pull up a chair and join in the feast or do we excuse ourselves to follow through our lives with Light hearts and the promise of eternal dawns rising?

I smile in my mind’s eye for I see the silken thread of dawn’s luminous Light streaming across the horizon line, starkly juxtaposed against the black sky. Surprisingly, I feel a call of appreciation rising in my soul for the role of darkness: I see the Light all the more clearly because of it.

I open the floodgates of my heart to dawn’s sweet stream of eternal hope and it flows through me like a river. I have the antidote to the material world coursing through my veins and heaven is on earth for me.

I am one with the RIVER of LIGHT in the sky.
Hope to see you there.

Infinite Blessings,
Shelley Richardson


Posted in Inspiration for Adults, The Eddy newsletter | 1 Comment


The RIVER OF LIGHT exists all around us. We are but a barge on its current making our way along our humble human paths. In our daily work, thought and loving, let the purity of our intentions seek to match the exquisite beauty of RIVER's DIVINE vibration. To do less, is to strum the heavy cord of darkness polluting the radiant waters and perpetuating the illusion of separation. To do, is to sweetly pluck the harp strings of gold, opening the floodgates of our hearts to the RIVER's DIVINE flow. Walls of separation disappear as the heavenly harp's song calls forth our natural state of being...and we are lost and found in ONENESS.

Infinite Blessings,
Shelley Richardson

Copyright 2012

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AUTHENTICITY: The Greatest Gift

In all our daily living, let us strive for AUTHENTICITY.
Let it temper our dreams, wants, desires, our greetings and loving of one another.

Release the layers of misperception and constriction that lead us to temptations and once more feel our hearts sing unencumbered and free. Remember. Remember our authentic heart as it was gifted to us with a voice so unspeakably beautiful that no wrapping or ribbon worthy could contain. Let this be our greatest gift this Christmas season – to ourselves, to humankind and away in a manger to the little babe who dreams sweetly to the chorus of our hearts’ homecoming.

Merry Christmas.

Infinite Blessings,
Shelley Richardson


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Many thanks to all of you for making SOPHIE & The Magic of Dance our best seller this holiday season! We have a limited number of copies left that have just arrived in time for holiday shipping. Order by Dec. 12 in Canada, Dec. 8 in US, for delivery by Dec. 24, 2011. EDDY Press is also proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds from each SOPHIE book sold in Canada, will go towards Canada's National Ballet School: our world renowned professional ballet school where talent alone is the sole criterion for entry.

Here is what some of our readers are saying about SOPHIE & The Magic of Dance:

"FABULOUS! It's wonderful! A great book for children!"
Karen Zissoff. Director of DANCERS INC., Memphis, TN, USA.

"BEAUTIFULLY written! Your words convey a wonderful sense of love, peace and joy. Much wisdom also!"
Patricia Elm. Entrepreneur. Canada

Posted in Book Releases, The Eddy newsletter | 2 Comments

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